Hypertune with Vercel

This example shows how to use the Hypertune integration with Vercel Edge Config to initialize the Hypertune SDK with near-zero latency on the server so you can access your feature flags and run A/B tests with no performance impact to your app.

It also shows how to integrate Hypertune with Vercel's Flags SDK to use the Vercel Toolbar, to view and override your feature flags without leaving your frontend, and Vercel's Flags pattern.

(Server Component) Example Flag: true

(Client Component) Example Flag: true

Once you've deployed this project, open the Hypertune UI and try updating your feature flag logic.

To develop your project locally:

  • Clone your project's repository and cd into it
  • Run vercel link to link to the Vercel project
  • Run vercel env pull .env.development.local to pull your environment variables
  • Run pnpm i
  • Run pnpm run dev

To add a new feature flag, create it in the Hypertune UI, then regenerate the client with pnpm hypertune so you can access it with full end-to-end type-safety.